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Shelly Gonzalez

Changing your reservation dates & uploading vaccination records

Updated: 6 days ago

Hello! I just wanted to create a quick blog post to cover some of the most used reservation features!

From the dashboard of your reservation portal, you can cancel a reservation, confirm the dates, see if we're missing vaccination information, and make sure we have your up to date contact information.

We do need the phone number for your emergency contact! I've blocked out Aubreys number for her privacy, but they wont be a very effective emergency contact if I'm unable to contact them!

If you need up update the dates or add notes you can click on the "View details" tab.

If you need to upload vaccination records you can click on "More Actions" and then "My Documents" and it will take you to the next page where you can upload your documents!

I hope this helps!! We do have a more in-depth blog about managing your reservation portal on the blog page if you're interested!


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