As you may know, Aubrey has joined our team as a virtual assistant. She will be working with everyone to confirm reservations and schedule drop off and pick up times.
When you send in a reservation request, Aubrey will notify me and I will send out invoices.
Aubrey will track which reservations have been paid and she will confirm that the pups have updated vaccination records in their account. Once those two things have been verified, she will confirm the reservation. After the reservation is confirmed, Aubrey will be reaching out to set up drop off and pick up times. If a reservation has not been confirmed 48 hours prior to the beginning of a stay, or after we've notified clients that we are booked and need confirmation, then the reservation will be canceled.
Along the way, if vaccination records are expired or invoices have not been paid, she will be reaching out to try to get the reservations confirmed.
We have started using a google voice phone number for scheduling. This allows both Aubrey and myself to reach out in the same conversational thread. You can save the phone number 314-325-4030 if you'd like as our scheduling number. This phone number is NOT monitored unless we are actively logged into the account. You can NOT reach anyone at this number immediately. The messages will sit there until one of us logs in to handle scheduling. If you need to contact me or if you're running late/ arriving early, you should still use the main number you've always used for contact!
Nothing has changed as far as appointment times, late fees, or hours of operation. The only difference is that Aubrey is handling those tasks so that I can work fewer hours per day and spend my time with the dogs.
As always, if you guys have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I appreciate your patience as we figure things out and work out the kinks on our end! Have a wonderful day!